Degrees and Certifications:
Associates in General Education Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with certification in History and English Master of Science in Special Education with certification in Learning Disabilities and Mental Retardation
John Lowery
After graduating Boaz High School, I attended Snead and then Jacksonville University. I earned an Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, and Master's Degree to teach Secondary History and English. I was a continuting participant in the Teaching American History:Developing Teachers as Historians federal program. In the program, I was given primary and secondary resources in my teaching content area; and I traveled the paths of the people and events contained in my United States History I and II. As a result, my classroom does contain textbook, instead, my room is filled with artifacts, documents, and instrucitonal material for hands-on learning, research, and investigative learning.
My wife and three children have spent many hours dealing with "history-teacher-husband/dad" who is constantly in instruction mode.
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with various state level groups dealing with graduation requirements, special needs instruction, inclusion strategies and procedures, lesson development, instructional resources, and with the Alabama Department of Archives. During the 2017-2018 school year, I was awarded the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Alabama Citizenship Education Award and The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Outstanding History Teacher Award.