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Camp Boaz Registration March 31st

When: June 6-July 22

(NO camp during the week of July 4 - 8)

Who: Boaz City School students enrolled in grades PreK--5th grade

Time: 7:30 AM--5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Doors will open at 7:00 AM for student drop off.

Where: BES Campus, Community Education side entrance

Why: Camp Boaz began in 2001, and it is a great, safe place for your child(ren) to spend the summer learning and having fun! Students will focus on literacy-specific concepts and skills, as well as fun enrichment activities.

Cost of the program--Students will be able to attend the ENTIRE 6 week camp by providing a $100 enrichment donation per student that includes a t-shirt and enrichment activities. Any extra shirts will be $10 each. Breakfast, lunch and snack will be provided.

Registration: Thursday March 31st, 2022, BES Lunchroom, 3:00 pm - 6:00 PM

All students will be required to complete required enrollment paperwork prior to camp start date.